Target, Toys, Gender & Consumerism

NEWS FLASH: Gender is Not About Things – On Target & Toys & Girls & Boys

Target: first of all, I’d like to say thank you for the small but significant change you have made to remove unnecessary gendered signage from the toy aisles in your stores. Amazon recently made similar changes online, and slowly but slowly, we are starting to see important changes being made …

Books & ComicsReviews

Bitch Planet Reviews: Issue 3 Featuring Robert Wilson IV

I’m so excited for this week’s release of what we lovingly refer to as “Bad Girl Planet” in our house (we live with a 2-year old with very keen ears and a shockingly impressive vocabulary). Bitch Planet Issue #3 from Image releases this week, and seriously, it’s so good. (Disclaimer: I …

Toddler Wins

“That’s Her Animal”

There’s a lady in the park in a red velour pantsuit, she has a blue music player playing soothing tunes, and she’s doing Tai Chi. There’s a small fur coat or stole puddled up next to her on the bright green astroturf. My darling approaches, curious. She looks at me, …

Productivity and planning traps

3 Productivity & Planning Traps to Avoid

This year, I’m trying to cultivate what I call and “action bias.” What this basically boils down to is spending less time planning and more time doing. So this comic made me giggle. Talk about feeling productive but missing the point! “I spent my whole day planning my day.” Cartoon …


Making STEM Sticky: Subscription Service Aimed at Getting Kids Coding

I’m a huge advocate for STEM / STEAM initiatives, and I think that it’s so important for both boys and girls to have access to and learn about coding, because it’s so powerful and useful and I wish I’d dug into it more when I was even younger. Which is …


“But The House Took Over”

It’s January, and I have a bit of a home improvement hangover from best laid plans in 2014. Despite the best intentions, whenever I get home it’s just too cold. Or too lovely outside so I need to play with my toddler instead (this is the correct answer). Or too …

Own Two Feet

Gender Norms, Cultural Stereotypes & Going Full Circle on the Fight of the Modern Parent

I would like to present to you an article which, were I able to do so, I would prefer to print out, highlight, and submit like a tract or flier full of SO MUCH YES about the experience of raising a child in our modern days. A girl, in my …


Geeky Wedding Ideas, DIYs & Inspiration

It’s that time of year! No, I’m not talking about time to start spring cleaning. Who do you think I am, Martha Stewart? I’m talking about spring wedding planning season! Get ready, because the wedding-related-swoon-worthy pins are about to start dominating a Pinterest stream near you, regardless of marital status. …


Let’s Get Physidal

A few years ago, I gave a talk at Ignite Dallas about Surviving a Day in the Life as a Cyborg Professional. I happened to watch it again a few weeks ago, and I realized I had pretty good advice (some of it, I need to be better at taking …

Toddler Wins
Toddler Wins

Toddler Wins: Who’s Stinky Now?

My daughter is two. And surprisingly precocious. (Well, okay, maybe not terribly surprising, but still). And getting more and more snappy every day. Parents of toddlers, you know what I’m talking about. This morning, she slammed me with an epic “Toddler Win.” Or at least, the first one I had the …


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